Project Name: Combat Sim

Published: May 2018

Duration: 20 Hours

Project Type: VFS Assignment (Single)


Unreal Engine for:





Level Design

Material Creation


Audio Implementation

Description: For this project, we were asked to design a Combat Sim with two distinct layouts (layout for combat and layout for stealth), connected in a single map. We were given AIs to combat with and security cameras & tripwires to perform stealth. Everything else, we needed to blueprint.

Screenshots from the Game-play:

Final Render in Unreal Engine.

Final Render in Unreal Engine.

Final Render in Unreal Engine.

Design Process for the Combat Sections:

For the indoor combat section, my main vision was to create an endless flow. I wanted the player to go anywhere from anywhere. Every room has 3 different ways to go in except for the 1st room, which has 2 ways. The player can see the enemies from one room and flank through the other rooms and sneak-attack them (vice-versa). This part of the level is specialized for shotgun usage.

For the outdoor combat area, I designed different types of covers and elevations. This area is more suitable for sniper riffle and grenade launcher.

Fun-fact: For the “Mother AI” who speaks on the background of the game, I typed what I scripted in Google Translate and pressed “listen”, then recorded it.


My Blueprints: