Project Name: Pavilion

Published: Spring 2012

Project Type: Architecture (Team Project / Personal Renders - Visuals)


Modelling: Rhinoceros

Texturing: Keyshot/Photoshop

Material: Plywood (CNC-Cut)

Preparation for CNC-Cut: AutoCAD

Description:  We started this project with 5 people and continued it with 8. Unlike all of the other teams, our team’s aim was to keep our structure standing still without using any connectors (such as nails, glue or stapler). We were the only team which didn’t use any connectors. However, it was extremely hard to keep a structure standing still with really large-scale without any connectors. Most materials we tried were too heavy. Therefore, we tried lots of new materials, new sequences and new macro-forms. We made some mutual drawings and we made some comments to each other’s’ individual drawings and united them into some new computer models.

My role in this team project was contributing to the ideas, helping the structure’s construction, modelling and rendering. All of the renders, visualizations, descriptions and some of the 3D models of this project on this page belong to me. I re-rendered them for portfolio purposes.

Final Concepts:

Left Side: My personal renders using the photographs that I took (in Prince Island of Istanbul) as the background images. I used Photoshop to combine the background, the renders and the animal images.

Right Side: Our team in our University’s front yard.

Bottom Left: Final structure in our University’s front yard.

Other Two: My personal renders.

Design Process: