Project Name: Quest for Valor

Published: April 2018

Duration: 40 Hours

Project Type: VFS Assignment (Single)


Unreal Engine for:





Level Design

Material Creation


Landscape Sculpting

Audio Implementation

Description: For this project, we were asked to design a full level including written dialogs, quest markers, checkpoints, one puzzle section, two combat sections and one boss fight with the given 3D assets. This project was my first introduction to Sub-Levels and Macros in Unreal Engine.

Screenshot from the Game-play:

Final Render in Unreal Engine.

Beginning Cinematic.

Design Process:

I started this assignment with creating the narrative and the 2D map simultaneously. I had to use the main character Juno and the Boss Skeleton King. We were also provided some villager characters, two types of melee skeleton warriors and 3 types of long-range skeleton characters.

I kept my original narrative approximately %90 and the original map about %70 at the end.

The game starts with a cinematic which shows that Juno is being chased by a skeleton warrior. Juno finds a way to lock the skeleton and get rid of him. The skeleton calls Juno a monster and the players gain control of the character.

After a couple of actions, Juno reaches a corridor which is filled with lava. Furthermore,as she gets closer to the lava, the rocks in the pool starts to move up and down.

After going across the lava corridor and passing a cemetery, Juno needs to solve a puzzle in order to go any further. She sees a room with 6 different types of cemetery objects and 6 levers in front of them. If she goes back to the cemetery, she can find the same objects right next to each other. Then she may memorize their order and go back and pull the levers in that order.

After doing that, she opens the locked door of that room. However, she also lets 3 skeletons escape. The skeletons start to attack her while calling her a monster. After killing them all, she wonders why monsters call her a monster.

Juno goes through the unlocked door and at that moment some rocks start to fall down. After dodging them, Juno finds an abandoned mine-cart and rides it to the top where she finds a huge door.

When she goes through the door, she sees the Skeleton King. He tells Juno that he is a magician named Shadow King and he cast a spell to everyone, which makes them see each other as skeletons and made them kill each other while he was stealing the treasure of the island peacefully. And Juno is the only one left.

After hearing this wicked truth, Juno attacks Shadow King and the 5-stage boss fight starts.

At the final stage, Shadow King turns himself into Juno’s father with his final drop of energy. In order to win, Juno needs to kill her “father”.


White-box to Final Game:

1st White-box of Quest for Valor

My Blueprints:

Persistent Level:

Sub-Level 1

Sub-Level 2

Sub-Level 3