Project Name: Racing Track

Published: May 2018

Duration: 15 Hours

Project Type: VFS Assignment (Single)


Unreal Engine for:





Level Design

Landscape Sculpting

Audio Implementation

Description: For this project, we were asked to design a racing track. We were given a car with simple movement blueprints and we were also asked to blueprint 1 new feature to the car. Furthermore, we needed to add 1 or 2 secret short-cuts to our track and we needed to find and implement free, cohesive assets to our level.

Final Look of the Racing Track:

Final Render in Unreal Engine.

The car blueprint came with 4 functions: W button for going forward, A and D buttons for directing the car to left or right and S button to going backwards. I added going faster function to the front arrow button with some cooling down time so that the players can’t break the game with it. I also added rolling to right function to the right arrow button and rolling to the left function to the left arrow button. I always get stuck while playing racing games. This inspired me to design this function. Now I can just roll over and keep racing. And finally, I added horn function to the back arrow button, just for fun!

For the environment, I blueprinted a pond which makes players go faster. Players can either use these ponds for their advantage and go faster or they might lose their balance if they aren’t careful enough. I also added a system, which basically detects the player’s speed and if the player is too fast, the game gives “You are going too fast, be careful” warning.

Game-Play video without using the Short-cuts:

Game-Play video with using the Short-cuts:

My Blueprints: