Project Name: Retro Night

Published: March 2021

Duration: 3 Weeks

Project Type: Personal


Modelling/UV Mapping/Animating: Maya

Texturing: Substance Painter

Alpha Creation: Photoshop

Rendering/Lighting: Unreal Engine for final renders and Marmoset Toolbag for the prop animations

Achievements: “Retro Night” got featured on ArtStation’s LinkedIn and Instagram pages.

Click on the image to access the original post.

Click on the image to access the original post.

Click on the image to access the original post.

Click on the image to access the original post.

Description: This project started with the fan model. I decided to model a fan because it looked interesting to model and it would give me a chance to start animating my environmental props.

For simple animations like these, I did not think that I would need to use Maya’s Graph Editor, but in order to get a more realistic and smooth movement, I ended up using it.

After finishing up with the fan, I decided to put it on a scene. The fan was from the ‘90s so I picked everything else on the scene to fit the ‘90s.

My main focus for this scene was creating the necessary alphas for the textures using Photoshop (mostly text, letters and numbers) and setting up a fitting lighting in Unreal Engine. I planned it to be an indoor - night scene (4:08 AM to be exact) with some mood lights set up.

When it was time to texture, I decided to add some personal aspects to the scene. For the vinyl cover, I decided to use an album that I like that came out on the ‘90s. The music also had to fit the scene. In example, I wasn’t going to choose a metal music vinyl. I was between Radiohead and Mogwai and I chose Mogwai Young Team because of the color scheme of the cover art. The photograph in the picture frame is my childhood friends and I in Amsterdam (2016). For the notebook, I took a picture of a page of my real-life notebook, which I wrote a poem and used that photograph as the texture.

Final Renders:

Final Render in Unreal Engine.

Final Render in Unreal Engine.

Final Render in Unreal Engine.

Final Render in Unreal Engine.

Final Render in Unreal Engine.

Final Render in Unreal Engine.

Detail Lighting:

Detailed Lighting in Unreal Engine.

Detailed Lighting in Unreal Engine.

Base Color Map:

Only with the Base Color Map:

Only with the Base Color Map:

The Topology:

The Topology.

The Topology.


Fan animation made in Maya.

Turntable animation made in Maya.

Turntable animation made in Maya.


The Lighting Progress:

This collage includes screenshots from Unreal Engine.

An example of my UV-Mapping Process:

An example of my UV-Mapping Process in Maya.

The Reference Images:

This collage includes some of the reference images that I used.