Project Name: The Lost Champions

Published: June 2018

Duration: 15 Hours

Project Type: VFS Assignment (Single)


Unreal Engine for:




Material Creation



Level Design

Description: For this project, we were asked to design 2 different puzzles using 3 characters, 6 puzzle ingredients and 1 or 2 enemies that we were given.

Screenshots from the Game-play:

Design Process:


The most important thing to consider while designing this puzzle was understanding the extends of the characters’ , the enemies’ and the ingredients’ abilities. For instance, only the Druid can jump, only the Warrior can activate the orbs and only the Wizard can create shields (side one and upper one).

In the beginning of the puzzle, I didn’t put the champions together. They were all locked up in their own rooms. The game starts with the Warrior’s point of view. He is in a room with an orb. If the player activates this orb, the orb activates the spikes under the Magician and the game ends. This action is there to make the player investigate all 3 rooms before making a decision. After moving the Magician away from the spikes and seeing the situations that all of the champions are in, the player can activate the orb. The orb activates a way to free the Druid. Then the Druid frees the Warrior. The Warrior goes to the Druid’s room to activate the orb there. That orb frees the Wizard but now the Warrior is stuck again, because he can’t jump like the Druid. The Druid and the Wizard partner up and free the Warrior by using both of their special abilities. Finally, 3 champions are together. At this point of the puzzle, the 3 champions can finally stand on the 3 pressure plates at the same time. This action ends the 1st puzzle and carries the champions to the 2nd one.

To sum up, I wanted to make the puzzle have challenges for single abilities, duel combinations and the trio all together. I also put a part in the 2nd puzzle, where the champions need to use their enemy’s abilities in order to go any further. I discovered that not only the champions but also the enemies can activate the pressure plates. I put a pressure plate that only the enemy can reach. In order to finish the game, the champions need to move the ground under the enemy at the right time, and make him touch the pressure plate.


Uploaded by Sim Sahin on 2018-09-28.

My Blueprints: