Project Name: Tilia

Published: Spring 2015

Project Type: Architecture - Restaurant (Personal Project / Graduation Project)


Modelling: Rhinoceros

Texturing: Photoshop

Design: AutoCAD

Description:  The aim of this project is to transform the Water Tower of Levent into a restaurant.

The Water Tower of Levent

The Water Tower of Levent

Levent is a place where most of the skyscrapers and business centers of Istanbul are located.



While I was deciding the concept of my restaurant, I thought that the vegetable supplies of the restaurants in the cities come from the countryside. I was inspired to create a restaurant that people can escape from the city while they are still in the city. Furthermore, I wanted the restaurant to grow its own vegetables as much as possible. I also wanted my restaurant not just be a restaurant but be a resting place with inspiring atmosphere. One of the most important features of this restaurant is, it only serves fruit and vegetable based dishes. Furthermore, the restaurant doesn't have any chefs or waiters/
waitresses. The visitors are able to make their own meals in the fully stacked kitchen of this restaurant. They may cook the vegetables that they buy from the stalls or collect from the little gardens of the restaurant. Moreover, some stalls also provide meals for visitors in hurry.

The purposes of the floors are assigned by their need of sunlight. For example, root vegetables are planted on the 2nd floor while tomatoes planted on the 5th.

How would this restaurant work economically? The visitors pay to go into the restaurant hourly. Which covers the vegetables they collect from the gardens and the kitchen access. They can also buy ingredients and/or meals from the stalls that are located in the building.

Final Concepts:

Trivia: This Restaurant’s name, Tilia, comes from it’s iconic linden tree.
”Tilia is a genus of about 30 species of trees or bushes, native throughout most of the temperate Northern Hemisphere. The tree is known as linden for the European species, and basswood for North American species.”


The topology of Tilia is inspired from contour lines. The ground pieces with different elevations work as tables and chairs.


Design Process: